Stockport Independent Issue 179

JULY 2024 2 IT proved to be a great General Election for the Liberal Democrats in Stockport as they captured two seats as part of the party’s national resurgence. Lisa Smart won the Hazel Grove constitu- ency for the party with a majority of 6,500. She replaces Conserv- ative William Wragg at Westminster. TomMorrison also cap- tured Cheadle for the Lib Dems with a majority of 12,000 over Mary Rob- inson who was defending the seat she won for the Conservatives in 2015. Labour held the Stock- port seat with a 15,000- vote majority. Navendu Mishra was re-elected in the constituency has represented since 2019, increasing his majority. While the Lib Dems celebrated, it proved a bad night for the Conservatives across Greater Manchester, with none of their candi- dates victorious. Speaking after her victory Lisa Smart said: “One of the most impor- tant messages that we heard time and time again from people was that they need someone to stand up for them. “It has been wonderful to hear from so many peo- ple with their congratula- tions, but the number of people who have already reached out to me with their issues just shows the challenge ahead.” She added: “The issues that people have brought up with me time and again – sewage dumping, health and social care and the cost of living – are my top priorities. “It is a real opportu- nity for us to challenge this new government to do better on the issues that people told us have to change. I will be fighting for Stepping Hill Hospital to get the investment it needs and a new additional hospi- tal site in Stockport from Day One. I can’t wait to get cracking.” Navendu Mishra said: “We are on the brink of real change for Britain and for Stockport. “I am excited to continue working on behalf of our brilliant General Election 2024 Special Report Lib Dems make major gains Seats change hands as the Tories crumble Re-elected: Navendu Mishra saw his majority increase (Photo credit: Navendu Mishra) New MP: TomMorrison who won Cheadle (Photo credit: Cheadle Lib Dems) Messages: Lisa Smart, Hazel Grove’s new MP (Photo credit: Hazel Grove Lib Dems) communities to bring about policies that reflect our vision for a fairer more just society.” Speaking after his re-election he also spoke of the need for “real investment” in Step- ping Hill Hospital and described housing as the “single biggest issue” fac- ing people in Stockport. New Cheadle MP Tom Morrison said: “Thank you so much to people across Cheadle for choos- ing me to be your voice in Westminster. It’s incredi- bly humbling. We have a lot to do, but I will work my hardest for you and won’t let you down.” He also spoke of the need for investment for Stepping Hill during his campaign. He said: “For years now, Stepping Hill Hospital has been seriously under-funded and now ceilings are coming in, buildings are being condemned and staff morale is at an all- time low. “Our doctors, nurses and NHS staff deserve so much better, as do the thousands of residents who rely on this hospital.”